The human body functions very well or very poorly based upon the quality of food and nutrition put into it. As the saying goes: “Garbage in = garbage out!”
The average person would honestly find it unbelievable the damaging effect some foods can have on the body, and how incredibly powerful the body is at repairing and healing itself when properly nourished.
- Lack of Energy
- Overweight/Obesity
- Sleep Problems
- Always Tired
- Poor Digestion
- Foggy Brain
- Chronic Pain
Confusion in the health industry is rampant, and nothing you’ve done seems to fix your health problems
As you move into your late 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and beyond, you gradually lose the amazing energy and vibrant health you had in your teens and early twenties. Visits to the doctor don’t seem to do much except give you a cupboard full of pills, powders, lotions and supplements.
After many years you might feel you have a “medical problem” that needs the right antibiotic or drug or surgery to fix it. You may be concerned about the need to get yourself into the gym and start on an exercise program, if only you weren’t so tired.
You might think you just need the right “diet” or special “superfood” that you saw in a magazine article or on TV recently. Maybe the clerk at the local health food store might know what vitamins or minerals or herbs will help solve your problems.
Years of frustration or desperation can occur, as you add another batch of bottles to the existing collection in your cupboard — and you are still no better off physically.
How is Dr. Granger’s Nutritional Wellness any different from all the other things you’ve tried?
Dr. Granger has been practicing health care for over 32 years. He is a chiropractic physician with a continuing focus on natural health methods, and uses Nutrition Response Testing to accurately identify and treat a wide variety of common health issues, including energy and sleep, thyroid, adrenal, digestive problems, diabetes, arthritis, pain and excess weight. He does NOT prescribe pharmaceutical medications. He uses the body’s own ability to restore its own health by using Nutrition Response Testing to create a custom program for exactly what your body needs. His patients routinely report dramatic and rapid health improvements.
Dr. Granger and his staff are highly trained health care experts
Dr. Granger studied at Ohio State University and received his doctoral degree from the prestigious National University of Health Sciences in Chicago, Illinois. He is trained in Nutrition Response Training, a method which allows him to quickly identify exactly which parts of the body are in trouble and what nutrients are needed to restore the body’s powerful healing mechanisms.
Dr. Granger uses the most advanced and cutting edge nutritional assessment methods which allow him to establish individualized, tailor-made, patient-specific, health recovery programs that actually get positive results — even after years of failed attempts by other doctors.
With Dr. Granger’s help, the guesswork is gone!
A person can only truly recover and be restored to real health, if they work with a doctor who can expertly evaluate them comprehensively, educate and put them on a personalized, customized program.
Depending on the individual case it may be a 4, 8 or 12 month program. The key is to finally correct the UNDERLYING, TRUE CAUSE of the problem.
There are only two steps to this therapy program:
- Stop eating the food that is damaging your body.
- See me for Nutrition Response Muscle Testing and a personalized nutrition program.
It is completely tailored to your needs alone. This method allows me to know without question, which organ (liver, kidney, thyroid, stomach, etc.) is in need of what food and nutritional supplement. It also lets me know which spedific foods you should avoid that your body doesn’t like. The guesswork is gone.
How long does it take to show results?
Most patients begin to feel better the first week or two, and then continue to improve until they achieve their maximum health level. Each patient is unique based upon how quickly and completely they implement all of the recommendations.
WHY is your method the best one available?
We know from experience that the Standard American Diet (SAD) results in obesity, increased suffering, degeneration, overall poor health and early death. The medical and pharmaceutical industries are geared for emergency situations, but do very poorly at remedying long term health problems.
The body heals and regenerates best when it is given the “genuine replacement ingredients”, the correct and optimal nutrients and foods that allow it to repair itself.
Family plan discounts for a healthy family
Most patients enjoy seeing their spouses and children also enjoying optimal health. Dr. Granger has family plan discounts. It is easier for an individual to implement productive and positive changes when the entire family is on the program.
To start, simply give us a call: (727) 250-5006