Do you Feel Grumpy, Sleepy, or Dopey?

Symptoms of Radiation Poisoning: Fatigue/Tiredness/sleepiness Grumpy/Irritability Apathetic Difficulty Concentrating Difficulty with memory Difficulty learning Headaches/sharp pains in the head Nausea/upset stomach   Where do you Get Radiation from? Cell …

What is a Parasite?

What is a Parasite? An organism that lives in or on another organism (the host), and benefits by stealing nutrients from the host. Can be identified as looking similar …

Reading Labels

Label Reading Made Simple If the ingredient list exceeds more than 10 ingredients for a simple food (or so you thought) you might want to reconsider buying it or …

Dietary Guidelines

Feed Your Body: “The YES List” Cold-pressed olive oil or coconut oil, avocado, sesame, or almond oil Whole grains: millet, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat; Starches: sweet potato, yams (eliminate for …
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