Managing Stress 

Eat stress-reducing foods: 

Broccoli, Asparagus, & Spinach magnesium (reduces stress), B vitamins and folic acid (help improve mood and regulate sleep) 

Cantaloupe, Oranges, & Lemons vitamin C (helps reduce levels of cortisol)

Blueberries vitamin C and antioxidants 

Almonds & Walnuts vitamin B2, vitamin E (powerful antioxidant), magnesium,  zinc (increases resistance to infection) 

Avocado B vitamins 

Salmon & Fish omega 3s keep cortisol and adrenaline from spiking

Oatmeal increases calm-inducing serotonin



Take a minimum of 5 minutes a day to pray, meditate, journal, listen to soothing  music, or take an Epsom salt bath. It will help reduce stress hormones. 


When we become stressed, our breathing becomes shallow and sometimes we  may find we are holding our breath. In an upright position and keeping your back  straight, breathe in deeply through your nose filling your abdomen and then  exhaling slowly and fully through your mouth. Repeat several times. 


Physical activity will help reduce the effects of the “fight or flight” response. Try to  walk for at least 20-30 min. It will help clear your head and you will always feel  better afterwards. Even better if you can walk with someone who can be a  supportive listener. 


Eight or more hours a night of uninterrupted sleep is recommended for  restoration and repair. The best time range to go to bed that will be most  beneficial is between 9:00 PM and midnight because it is a more natural sleep pattern due to the sun.

We’ve talked about the 3 Stages of Stress, so now let’s talk about techniques in managing life’s stressors.

The 4 A’s to Managing Stress 

Avoid – Try to avoid unnecessary stress by planning and being prepared. Prioritize all the things you need to do 

  • Make a “To-do” list and check-off as you complete 
  • Just say “no”. Learn how to say “yes to the person but “no” to the  task. Explain why you are unable to commit currently 

Alter – If you can’t avoid the stressor, try to change it. 

  • Be more assertive in dealing with the problem 
  • Communicate your concerns in a respectful way 
  • Try to reach a compromise 

Adapt – If you can’t alter the stressor, can you change yourself?

  • Try to change your viewpoint 
  • Focus on the positives of the situation 
  • Try to look at the bigger picture

Accept – If you can’t adapt, learn to accept what you can’t change

  • Look for the upside to the situation. See if this can be a learning or growth opportunity
  • Practice forgiveness

In Health,

Nutritional Wellness & Chiropractic

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